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Germination Standards from the Federal Seed Act
Planted December 14, 2000
Last tended to on October 11, 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes

The germination information provided below are the minimum germination rates for specific seed varieties as set by the U.S. Federal Seed Act.
Sec. 201.31 Germination standards for vegetable seeds in interstate commerce. The following germination standards for vegetable seeds in interstate commerce, which shall be construed to include hard seed, are determined and established under section 403(c) of the act.
Type | Germ % |
Artichoke | 60 |
Asparagus | 70 |
Bean, Asparagus | 75 |
Bean, Fava | 75 |
Bean, Garden | 70 |
Bean, Lima | 70 |
Bean, Runner | 75 |
Beet | 65 |
Broccoli | 75 |
Brussels Sprouts | 70 |
Burdock, Great | 60 |
Cabbage | 75 |
Cabbage, Chinese | 75 |
Cabbage, Tronchuda | 70 |
Cardoon | 60 |
Carrot | 55 |
Cauliflower | 75 |
Celeriac | 55 |
Celery | 55 |
Chard, Swiss | 65 |
Chicory | 65 |
Chives | 50 |
Citron | 65 |
Collards | 80 |
Corn, Sweet | 75 |
Cornsalad | 70 |
Cowpea | 75 |
Cress, Garden | 75 |
Cress, Upland | 60 |
Cress, Water | 40 |
Cucumber | 80 |
Dandelion | 60 |
Dill | 60 |
Eggplant | 60 |
Endive | 70 |
Kale | 75 |
Kale, Chinese | 75 |
Kale, Siberian | 75 |
Kohlrabi | 75 |
Leek | 60 |
Lettuce | 80 |
Melon | 75 |
Mustard, India | 75 |
Mustard, Spinach | 75 |
Okra | 50 |
Onion | 70 |
Onion, Welsh | 70 |
Pak-Choi | 75 |
Parsley | 60 |
Parsnip | 60 |
Pea | 80 |
Pepper | 55 |
Pumpkin | 75 |
Radish | 75 |
Rhubarb | 60 |
Rutabaga | 75 |
Sage | 60 |
Salsify | 75 |
Savory, Summer | 55 |
Sorrel | 65 |
Soybean | 75 |
Spinach | 60 |
Spinach, New Zealand | 40 |
Squash | 75 |
Tomato | 75 |
Tomato, Husk | 50 |
Turnip | 80 |
Watermelon | 70 |
Source: [59 FR 64491, Dec. 14, 1991]
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- Storing seeds
- Seed Germination Testing
- Days Required for Vegetable Seedling Emergence at Various Soil Temperatures
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